
Critical cleaning  

What makes TRU stand out? Their proactive mindset. Instead of waiting for issues to arise, they anticipate them with a forward-thinking approach. Wouter, Inge, and Vanessa are always accessible and approachable. I often marvel at how they do it, given the hectic times we live in. Yet, with a relatively small team, they are able to make a big impact.


What makes TRU stand out? Their proactive mindset. Instead of waiting for issues to arise, they anticipate them with a forward-thinking approach. Wouter, Inge, and Vanessa are always accessible and approachable. I often marvel at how they do it, given the hectic times we live in. Yet, with a relatively small team, they are able to make a big impact.

Tessa Fermont
Tessa Fermont
Facility manager